Empowering students for a brighter and financially stable future.

Supporting financial stability among youth.

Eduaid has been educating youth in the bay area about financial literacy for the past four years, and aims to spread its ventures further. Using peer to peer education, we have been able to teach over a hundred students.

We believe that financial literacy is not spoken about enough in today’s society, and that it needs to be taught from a young age so the future generations are able to lead stable lives.




400+ Students


45+ Sessions

Our Audience

We work with a variety of ages, from elementary to high school students, in the bay area. We aim to spread our ventures beyond the bay area and into other areas of California in the near future.

What We Teach

We teach students about the finance world through subtopics such as taxes, investing, saving, and real estate. A lot of these topics are not discussed in a school setting but are vital for a students education.

Our Vision

We hope that financial literacy is a topic that is spoken more about in our education system, and that eventually it becomes integrated with the required courses students need to take, as it is as if not more important than a lot of the other courses.

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”

— Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(925) 384 3165